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  • How do I know my child is a “struggling reader”?
    Overall, a struggling reader does not read grade level material with expression, accuracy and understanding. There are certain indicators that suggest your child may be a struggling reader. Student has trouble remembering and recognizing letters of the alphabet. Student is unable to identify rhyming word or complete familiar rhymes despite frequent repetition and practice. Student struggles to learn letter sounds. Slow and laborious decoding skills; student is unable to sound out a word and then blend the sounds back together to say the word accurately and quickly. Difficulty learning and retaining high frequency/sight words. Poor spelling skills. Student is unable to reread a word despite having just read it or having had the word modeled; they may make up or guess words. Student shows disinterest or resistance to reading and/or reading instruction. Other content areas are being negatively impacted by below grade level reading. ​
  • Assessments
    We use a number of brief assessments to determine each student’s gaps in their foundational reading knowledge identifying areas that need reinforcement. Each student is correctly placed and instruction is individualized to their needs. Assessments are used at intervals to monitor student growth. Schedule your assessment today!
  • Get set for online learning
    Create a Workspace for Success: Designate an area that is well organized and free from clutter. Make sure to have all needed supplies for work such as extra paper, pencils, pens, calculator etc. This minimizes the distraction of having to get materials during the sessions. Computer Is Ready for Work: Make sure your computer is plugged in and all updates are up to date before the tutoring sessions. This allows for a smooth session without technical issues that will impact the learning time. Test Out Meeting Platform: Test out the online platform that you will be using before your first session. This ensures smooth set up for a successful learning session. Organize Your Bookmark Bar: Create an online folder for your online tutoring sessions with the most frequently used sites. This allows for quick access to all the learning sites you will be using during the session. Log On Early: Make it a habit to begin logging on for your session a few minutes early. This gives way for any “technical hiccups” that may arise. Being on time for tutoring creates a pattern of academic success. Camera On Your Computer: Please make sure your camera on your computer is working. This allows the tutor and student to see each other. This face to face interaction fosters a positive rapport with the student and tutor which makes a more successful partnership.
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